Title: Tradition and innovation in the use of animal materials
Project duration: 1/8/2011 - 31/12/2014
Location of the project: Gorizia region, Coastal region, Gorenjska, Central Slovenian region, Province of Udine and Gorizia.
Lead partner of the project: Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia, Agriculture and Forestry Institute Nova Gorica
The project LANATURA - Tradition and Innovation in the use of animal materials, which is managed and coordinated by the Institute CAFS GO, is funded under the Cross-border Cooperation Program Slovenia - Italy 2007 - 2013 financed by the European Regional Development Fund and national funds.
In this project we want to deal with the issue of animal by-products such as wool, animal skin and fat. Sheep wool is still regarded as a minor product of the sheep. Although in recent times wool is used in finished products more and more, a lot of it still remains unused, which ends up as waste in landfills or either incinerated or buried.
The project aims to increase the amount of processed wool and reduce the amount of waste wool. With the activities we want to revive traditional uses and explore and introduce environmentally-friendly innovations in the use of sheep's wool, hides and skins and animal fats in handicrafts as well as in the economic field in Slovenia and Italy. Sheep wool and other animal products are natural and organic material, which can contribute to a healthier way of life of the population in Slovenia and Italy in a variety of ways.
The project will have long-term effects on the environment, the population, tourist attractions, the preservation of the rural culture and the preservation and cultivation of the attractiveness of the program area in Slovenia and Italy.